Monday, August 24, 2020

Why Photojournalism is Still So Important

 Why Photojournalism Matters

You may wonder why you're taking this class. How is this different from the Digital Photography class offered by the art department. There are many differences, but the main one (other than what credit this fulfills) is that one is art and allows for artistic license where photos are manipulated to convey a message and one is conveying a story by the elements, not by manipulation:

You constantly have access to a camera, and true photojournalists often find themselves battling for space:

And now, more than ever, photojournalists are finding themselves struggling to defend their importance in the face of budget cuts, widespread technology usage and a variety of other factors, like the Sun-Times photographers who were fired and raised a powerful protest:

But TRUE photojournalism matters.

Read the article at this link:
GPI: Why Photojournalism is Still So Important

Halfway through the article, she mentions four photographs that are "powerful" and "world-changing." Find them online. Examine them. Think about them.
What about them makes them "powerful."  How are they "world-changing?" What did they do to change the world?
Then go to THIS PADLET and discuss each photograph in AT LEAST THREE FULL SENTENCES.

First Hour's

third hour's:

Then answer the questions on THIS google doc about the rest of the article.