Monday, March 30, 2020

3.30: Flipgrid

Good day, photojournalists!

Two assignments for this week:

Several of you know my love for "The Office." Okay, maybe "love" is putting it mildly. Okay, no maybe, "love" is putting my feelings for "The Office" mildly. I ADORE that show!

So, first assignment.

Watch this youtube video:

I think we could all use some good news.

Now for some more good news, I've figured out a new way to communicate!

Before you all roll your eyes and say, "Oh, Sparks, you drive us crazy," it will allow you to record video, and let's be honest, I've missed your voice!

So, check your email for the FlipGrid code and record a video for me.

BUT make sure to login and then click on the "Record a Response" and make your video there. Don't email it to me. I want the class to see your faces, too!!!

It looks like this, and you'll click on the green plus.

I miss you all terribly!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3.25 Virtual Learning Documentation Photo

Good morning, photojournalists,

Since many of you don't have cameras like the ones we use at school but all of you have iPhones or something like that, we'll be doing some documenting of your life with your smart phones.

Today, your assignment it to upload two separate photos of your experience with Virtual Learning right now.

The great thing about Virtual Learning is that you can do it almost anywhere, almost any time. I've walked down the halls and seen students laying with their backs flat on the ground and their legs against the wall, like criss cross applesauce, but it looks like they're "sitting" on the wall.

You can do virtual learning at 2:30 a.m. while you're standing on your head, trying to drink an Oreo milkshake, and clipping your toenails.

Like I said, anywhere, anytime.

I want you to really think about where you do a lot of your virtual learning, when you do your virtual learning, some of the things you've realized you can do with virtual learning, etc., and use that to inspire your photos.

I want you to put AT LEAST TWO of your photos of you learning virtually on this google doc:


AND I want you to describe what these photos mean. Give me the who, what, when, where, why, and how of each photo.

Here are two examples I took yesterday and today. They aren't great examples, but you kind of get my gist. THINK OF DIFFERENT ANGLES YOU CAN GET, HOW YOU CAN ILLUSTRATE GOOD PHOTO COMPOSITION.


Photo 1:
Me, Ronna Sparks-Woodward

Working on getting the yearbook google drive organized

9:35 on Tuesday, March 24th

In my living room
I took this picture because I drink a ton of water out of this cup, and there's water in it. When I'm home this cup is always full of ice water right next to me with a straw. I like this cup because I got it from the Kansas City Royals for Teacher Appreciation night. 

How: (you can think about how does this represent visual learning, or how you got the picture, etc.)
I'm working later at night than I'd prefer to because that's usually what you'll find me doing, so Virtual Learning hasn't really changed my timing of stuff, but it has changed my approach.

Type of Photo Composition and why:
Foreground background: The object in the foreground is the first thing you see, and the background is blurred out.

Photo 2:
Who: Me, Delaney Pierce and Belle Zubiri

Participating in a two-hour Zoom meeting where we planned out the last 30 pages of the yearbook, which is spring sports, but since we don't have any spring sport events before the page deadline is due, we had to change up several things.

Monday, March 22nd on the first official day of Virtual Learning

At my kitchen table surrounded by all the trappings of planning the book: the large iPad with pictures cut out on it, proofs in the background, notes, etc.

Because we had to completely change everything in the book from pages 130-160, which is freaking us out

How: This is the perfect example of virtual learning. I'm meeting with two students helping them problem solve issues and figure out how to communicate that to the staff.

Type of Photo Composition and why: kind of birds eye; I needed to get Delaney and Belle in the photo so you could see that I wasn't just working on stuff by myself.


Now I leave you with my sons and I "celebrating" our first day of virtual learning.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

3.23: Welcome Back

Good day, my photojournalists,

I have to say that on Thursday, the last time I saw you, you know we were in the middle of trying to get a yearbook deadline in, so I barely even noticed that the bell rang, and I hate that all I pretty much said was, "Have a great Spring Break!"

Confession: I really wish I had taken the time to say goodbye to you all. I thought we might have a week, maybe two, out of school, and I didn't anticipate being out for as long as we are, much less possibly longer. I would have given you all a long-distance high five and a long distance hug...

Hindsight 2020, right? (get it?)

Today we're supposed to spend reconnecting on a virtual level, so I would like for you to take a few minutes and send me an e-mail letting me know that you read this post and how you're doing.

I'll post a short assignment for you to complete on Tuesday, but it should take you a maximum of 10-15 minutes.

So. please, email me and let me know how you're doing. Has anything happened other than the usual happening to all of us?

I'm exceedingly sad that I won't get to see you all for at least a month, but I also told Dr. Kurth, if anyone can do this and do it well, it's us!

Have a great day, and please email me today... like now!

I miss you all!!!